09 Jun Improve your digital marketing
You’ve got a great product and have now opened your business. So how do you get your message out there to tell people how brilliant you are?
Your website is a vital digital marketing tool, which will be working for you 24 hours a day. But, it needs constant attention and updating, especially if you are are online only business. Why should anyone stay on your website if you do not update it regularly? One of the quickest ways to lose a purchase or enquiry is when a visitor sees a website that has not been updated in 3 months.
How can I update my site easily?
Write a blog
Writing a regular blog will not only improve your Google rankings, it will help to keep your visitors on your site. Start by jotting down a few titles. Then add some bullets points of topics you want to cover. Before you know it you will have the basis of an article. You could also add a news section to your website. Let people know you have won a new contract or you featured in the local press. But what ever you write, be consistent with your tone. Don’t be afraid to add a little humour and if you have done your research properly, you will know the market your product is aimed at, so engage them.
Social Media
Add a Twitter button to your website
Twitter is a real-time platform that allows your business to grow its audience, increase traffic and generate more leads. By adding a button to your website people can interact with your Twitter account and your website easily. Tweet relevant and interesting content, special offers, promotions or share other people’s content. You will be amazed at how much you can say with only 140 characters.
Get a Facebook page
You probably already have a personal Facebook page which you use to keep in contact with friends and family. So now set up a business page. On your Facebook business page try not to hard sell your product. Users want to read interesting content, not be bombarded with adverts for your product. Think about your product and let your enthusiasm for what you do lead your page. So for example, if you are running craft courses, share what your students make, or show how to make something in easy stages. Facebook is an amazing marketing tool if you use it correctly, it drives over 22% of all internet traffic! Remember to add a Facebook button to you website and by linking your Twitter account and Facebook page, it will save you time having to tweet about a post. It will do it automatically for you.
Lastly, make sure your designer has understood that the SEO on your site must be kept up-to-date and changed if it is not working. SEO is not an instant process so do not expect miracles. Remember, you know your market, don’t leave it to your website developer or designer to understand the intricacies of your market. Be proactive and find out where you market is and target them accordingly.