15 Aug To blog or not to blog, that is the question
So what is the answer? Yes, definitely blog!
When The Maltings Studios builds a website we always recommend to our clients that they blog regularly and if they cannot do it themselves then out source it to us! But why should you maintain a blog on your website or ecommerce site? Here are The Maltings Studios’ top tips on why you should be blogging.
In a blog you can talk about your brand and your products. It is an excellent means of connecting with your target customer and informing them of news, upcoming events or product information. A blog post is an excellent marketing tool for your website as it allows you to build trust and relationships with customers.
So we now understand that maintaining a blog allows you to connect with users, but did you know it also has a major effect on your SEO? Every time you add a new blog article to your website, that is fresh content and we all know Google loves nothing better than fresh content. But, within that new content you will be able to add specific keywords which will allow you to gain ranking within search engines like Google.
So in what other ways does a blog benefit your website?
A blog can help you to understand your customers a lot better which in turn can generate leads and drive sales. Asking your readers for feedback will not only help you tailor make other articles that will engage, but you can get to understand your readers a lot more. By understanding your customer you build your brand’s website user experience.
No matter what your business sells or provides, a blog can inform users about your products, so if you are a florist, you can write blogs on how to make a bouquet etc. Every brand and business has a story to tell and a blog is a great way of gutting your message out there.
So the our top reasons for maintaining a blog on your website are:
• Builds your brands story
• Connects you to your customers
• Asking for feedback can improve your products and services
• Improves your SEO
• Allows you to target keywords
• Helps you improve your search engine rankings (SERPS)
• Can generate leads and sales
• Improves your websites user experience (UX)
So get blogging. Not much of a writer? Try these pointers to get you started:
• Decide what you want to blog about
• Write down a few bullet points that you want to cover
• Elaborate on each bullet point with more detail
• Now read it back to yourself, amend and add to it
• Ask a colleague or friend to read it through
• Do a spell check
• Now post it!